Apr 12, 2024 - Uncategorized    No Comments

A Crowd-Pleasing Conclusion

Wednesday just wasn’t going to happen, folks. I wrote PTA checks in the morning and then drove two children to different Sandy locations at different times, grabbing library holds and lunch at McDonald’s in between. And then, what with grieving children, crazy schedules, and being sad myself, there was just not enough coherent thought to be had to attempt a blog post.

Today, though, I am DETERMINED to manage one, even though it’s late enough that my powers of concentration are questionable. (As in, it’s almost 7. I’m old and tired, okay?) Much of my determination comes from the fact that after this morning’s PTA meeting–and a hot date with a terrifying kitchen sink–I finished listening to Gennifer Choldenko’s Al Capone Throws Me a Curve, which I’m assuming is the last in her ‘Alcatraz’ series, and I really don’t want to get further behind on my book reviews. (It’s an italic-y kind of evening.)

I have a lot of emotions about this one.

On the one hand, I struggle with a well-intentioned character continually being put into impossible situations, and there was plenty of that to be had here. On the other hand, given Natalie’s autism and the time and place involved, those situations didn’t feel nearly as contrived as they might have. And while the climax of the story seemed incredibly farfetched to me, it was still satisfying in a way that made this book my favorite since the first one. There is learning and growth in all kinds of places, and more understanding and difficult-but-successful communication than ever before. (Possibly? It’s been a while since I’ve read, say, the second book…) Bottom line? If you’re into the series at all, don’t miss this one.

Piper, of course, still drives me absolutely crazy.

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