Apr 17, 2024 - Uncategorized    No Comments

Not the Twist I Wanted

Anyone familiar with Terri Libenson’s ‘Emmie & Friends’ novels knows there’s generally a twist, some being a bigger deal than others. After finishing Surprisingly Sarah on Monday morning, I’m not really sure which category it falls into; the twist is a big deal, I suppose, but it doesn’t really come at the end, and the entire book felt different as a result.

I also wasn’t as big of a fan of it.

On the other hand, the kind of twist it is was never going to appeal to me personally, especially this far removed from my own junior high experiences. Sarah–Emmie’s artistic friend–has a major crush on her BBF’s (Best Boy Friend, not to be confused with any kind of boyfriend) friend, and is trying to work up the courage to ask him to the school dance. Will she? Won’t she? Will it end well if she does?

I am SO GLAD I am no longer in junior high.

I’m honestly not sure I can say much more without some level of spoilage, so I guess you’ll have to read it yourself. And really, I don’t know that my kiddos will feel the same way I do about the twist, so you might really enjoy it. Who knows?

In the meantime, my son tied his flag football game tonight, I bought ridiculous amounts of cereal at Walmart today, and there will be muffins for tomorrow’s breakfast. Last night was kind of awful, but that’s because a child meltdown came at the worst possible time from a logistical standpoint, which happens. And we’re halfway through the week now, right?

Thank goodness.

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