Feb 23, 2024 - Uncategorized    Comments Off on Dang It!

Dang It!

I was really going to review another book today, but it’s clearly far too late for me to do justice to a book I absolutely loved. On the other hand, I was legitimately doing other things earlier–to whit:

1)I made my hubby sandwiches for lunch. 2)I got dressed and ready before I had to take my 3rd grader to school. 3)I took the third grader to school. 4)I stayed and wrote a couple of PTA checks with the president and our book fair person. 5)I went straight from the school to the eye doctor, where 6)I got my pupils dilated, which affected my activities for the next several hours. 7)I stopped at Reams. 8)I got home, exercised, and made quesadillas. I did not write a book review, because I wasn’t at all sure that my eyes would be usable for the task. 9)I fetched my 3rd grader–and ended up napping on the couch for a bit afterwards. 10)I spent the rest of the day doing mom things–including three loads of laundry and schlepping my son to piano and back–and one of my kiddos got sick. I did spend time relaxing after all the kids were in bed, because who doesn’t?

I suppose I’ll keep my fingers crossed for Monday…

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