Jan 5, 2024 - Uncategorized    Comments Off on Out With the Old, In With the New

Out With the Old, In With the New

It was so lovely to have four whole night to chill with my hubby, go out to eat (or have him bring home something), and see an actual adult movie in a theater. (We highly recommend “The Boys in the Boat.”) After church on Sunday we went up to Clearfield, reunited with our kiddos, and played games until 10 or so. Then fireworks, then home, where even my 8-year-old stayed up ’til midnight (yeesh) and it was even later for the rest of us. Thankfully, everyone slept in and we managed to take down most of Christmas on New Years Day; the kids and I slept in the next day, and then it was back to school and the grind on the 3rd. I actually woke up with a stomach bug yesterday, so I attended today’s PTA meeting virtually. (Which was honestly great–I sorted laundry and put a load in during the meeting, and I loaded and ran the dishwasher beforehand instead of having to get ready to leave the house.) I’m on my second can of ginger ale already and so far, the rice chex and string cheese have settled okay, so that’s progress.

I also managed–after switching the first load to the dryer and putting my second load of laundry in–to finish Brad Wilcox’s Because of the Messiah in a Manger, which I decided to read this Christmas season to help ground my Christmas-ing in Christ. I think it helped, honestly. I shared multiple bits with my hubby (and others) and gained at least one insight into scripture. For much of the book I questioned the necessity of linking it to Christmas, because it felt simply like a book of insights about Christ–but then, that’s the whole point of Christmas, right? And Wilcox did relate some of his insights to key figures from the Nativity. Ultimately, this is a manageably short book to read during the chaos of Christmas, and I appreciated the added spiritual note. If you haven’t read it, you should consider putting it on your list for December 2024.

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