Dec 18, 2023 - Uncategorized    Comments Off on Getting It Done

Getting It Done

Full disclosure: I finished Invisible weeks ago, but I didn’t immediately have time to review it, and lately I’ve been putting it off mostly because the memory is fading a bit. On the other hand, I am DETERMINED not to wrap it for my oldest before reviewing it, and so here we are. It may or not be my last review of the day–yes, I’m that far behind–but at least it’ll be done.

One of the coolest things about Invisible is that much of the dialogue is bilingual, and I think my AP Spanish student will enjoy being able to choose which language to focus on. More than that, however, it’s a book for both kids who feel too Spanish in America and kids who don’t feel Spanish enough–AND kids who feel ignored despite having all kinds of qualities worth being seen. It’s a little “Breakfast Club”-ish and a tiny bit “Stand and Deliver”-ish, and the ending reminds me a tad of Joan Bauer. If you like stories about underdogs making a difference, or kids growing to meet their potential, or second chances–well, you get the idea. Invisible is interesting, positive, and almost begs for a sequel or three. We’ll see what happens!

In the meantime, the rest of my day involves getting a pot of apples on the stove to cook down, meeting virtually with my oldest daughter’s therapist, exercising, taking my youngest daughter to therapy, and facing Walmart with some of the kiddos. May the odds be ever in my favor…

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