Apr 23, 2023 - Uncategorized    Comments Off on Oh, the Ca-COUGH-any…

Oh, the Ca-COUGH-any…

Seriously, though. My hubby and my two younger girls are quite impressive on that front; my oldest and I are more into blowing our noses; and my son is proving to be a switch hitter (so to speak). And have we got a week coming up…


On the good news front, however, I have finished Svetlana Chmakova’s new ‘Berrybrook Middle School’ graphic novel, which is going to make my 13-year-old very happy. Enemies is, I’m pleased to report, another win–a poignant portrayal of the complexities of being a sibling and a pitch-perfect reminder of why friendships (especially middle school friendships) can be so hard. Felicity’s struggles make her relatable for almost anyone, even if you have to ask your husband what the gamer acronyms stand for. (He came through, don’t worry.) Will she and Tess be able to come up with a dynamite idea for the entrepreneur contest? Is Joseph Koh Felicity’s enemy? Will the kids who do the work on group projects manage to turn the tables on those who don’t? The answers are here, folks. If you haven’t encountered Chmakova before, get yourself off to the bookstore (or library) and rectify that situation ASAP!

In the meantime, it might be a good time to buy stock in Kleenex and cold medicine.

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