Feb 18, 2023 - Uncategorized    Comments Off on Old Lady Glasses

Old Lady Glasses

That’s what I have now, folks. Yesterday the kids were off from school, and so–among other things–I took my 13-year-old to the eye doctor. She picked out frames to go with her new prescription, since she’s been complaining that she “can’t see!”, and I picked up my first pair of multi-focal lenses.


They do help with the close up, yes. But stairs are weird, and when I turn my head it feels like the world is moving as well. On the other hand, I haven’t had them a full 24 hours yet, and by all accounts it takes more like a couple of days to adjust. So we’ll see?

I also finished reading Camp Panda: Helping Cubs Return to the Wild aloud to that same 13-year-old last night, and while I was thinking I might manage a same day review, we finished just before 9 and I really wasn’t feeling it. Today, though! And really, the title is self-explanatory. It’s picture book size and length, but the text is regular-book size and length, so to speak; on the other hand, there are multiple full-page photos of pandas, some of them undeniably adorable. We learned things about panda conservation efforts and how they relate to other conservation efforts, and the photos of the adults in furry panda suits were a bonus. Animal lovers should definitely check out this one!

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