Oct 19, 2022 - Uncategorized    Comments Off on A Belated Gift from Quarantine

A Belated Gift from Quarantine

In late spring/early summer of 2020 a few friends and I started to swap library books to give ourselves and our kiddos more reading options, since the libraries were closed; my friend Andrea passed along Andrew Norriss’s Friends for Life, which my oldest read and exclaimed over. She told it me it was fabulous, that she couldn’t put it down, and so when the libraries reopened and we were able to return books again–hallelujah! because we were growing ourselves quite the pile–I checked it out on my card to read eventually.

I finished it this week.

I actually ended up getting it on Audible, since audio is how I manage to get through most things these days, and the narrator only added to the incredibleness that is Norriss’s book. She had me from the first chapter, and I found myself laughing out loud periodically even while feeling a great many other kinds of feels over the course of the story. This is a book about unexpected friendships that come along when least expected but most needed, and IT IS AMAZING. Seriously. Teens should read this book. Parents of teens should read this book. ADULTS, really. Okay, EVERYBODY should read this book. I can’t really give you more of the plot without spoiling a bit of the magic of discovery, but please believe me–this should make it into your house, onto your shelf, under your Christmas tree. I’m not sure I remember the last time I loved a book this much.*

*I loved it so much that I managed a review after 9:30 at night, since it’s been an odd sort of day and my 8th grader had a band concert this evening. I’m definitely turning into a pumpkin now, though, so goodnight sweet princes!

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