Oct 13, 2022 - Uncategorized    Comments Off on The Horns of a Dilemma

The Horns of a Dilemma

One of the most miserable parenting dilemmas for all of us has to be when what’s in the best interest of one child seems to be diametrically opposed to what’s in the best interest of another. I’m grappling with that tonight, so send some prayers my way if you can!

In the meantime, yesterday I finished listening to Willa and the Whale, which my 13-year-old is looking forward to having passed to her. It took me longer than I wanted it to–partly because I kept stopping to google the interesting sea creatures it talked about–but it’s a completely worthwhile, poignant tale of a girl trying to deal with the sudden death of her mother. I especially appreciated the real-ness of the characters; none of the adults are awful villains BUT they make mistakes while trying to do their best, and Willa herself is self-absorbed in a completely natural way for a girl in her position. You’ll cheer for her, her family, and the rest of her ‘pod’ as they find their way forward through a myriad of life’s dilemmas–and if you’re like me, you’ll tear up at the end. (Maybe not just at the end.) I’m excited to see what my younger teen thinks of this one!

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