May 17, 2022 - Uncategorized    Comments Off on She Survived Again

She Survived Again

Mostly she survived because I handed over the most recent BSC graphic novel today, but I’ll take what I can get, right? In any case. We’re deep in the throes of May–a junior high awards ceremony tonight, a 4th grade field trip to go on tomorrow and a junior high band concert tomorrow night, a piano recital Friday (not to mention a temple appointment on Thursday), and a garden to plant on Saturday before a graduation party. Then my recently-returned missionary nephew speaking in church, and next week starts the appointment craze. Life!

In the meantime, I liked last night’s Chicken Coconut Korma enough to want to make it again–I like the creamier Thai sort of curry, as long as it’s mild–but it didn’t go over particularly well with the kiddos. (OR my hubby.) Sadness! And because it’s 9:14, you get a quick review of Alan Brennert’s Moloka’i, which I started once in RI when my oldest was a toddler and then immersed myself in last week once I realized that it was immediately available on audio and the cessation of dance for the summer meant I could actually attend the Zoom book group discussion about it. (Trying to manage doing so while ferrying my 12-year-old to dance rarely worked.) I learned interesting things about the history of leprosy in Hawaii, was moved by Rachel’s experiences as well as by those of her loved ones, and found listening to it to be an entirely positive experience. (Saying I enjoyed the book feels weird, somehow.) Ultimately, it’s a story of a girl sent away from her family as a 6-year-old because of her disease and the fullness of the life that she makes for herself, disease and all. I’m taking some time before listening to the sequel–an 18 hour audiobook makes for a lot of time spent within a leper colony, even if I did get a bunch of painting and laundry done–but I’d say this is thoroughly worth your time.*

*Possibly look for it in your library, though…its availability to purchase seems to be hit or miss, depending on the format you’re looking for!

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