Sep 9, 2021 - Uncategorized    Comments Off on Fruit


Okay, well, it’s obvious that I’m just not as on top of this blog as I used to be–I’m sure my legions of devoted followers are very upset–but I did have a good bit going on in the last week or so. I missed the 1st because I’d posted on the 31st and wasn’t as committed to making the 1st happen, but I was planning on posting on the 2nd, until fruit happened.

You see, we went to Las Vegas last weekend for the BYU-Arizona game–meeting family and staying together in a vacation house sort of place–and on Thursday (the 2nd) I was in the kitchen prepping various foods we were planning on bringing with us. I’d already cut up a cantaloupe and a jicama and grated enough zucchini for two big loaves of zucchini bread (which were in the oven) when I decided to bring the peaches from the dining room to the kitchen to sort out which ones would have to be used before we left. We’d gotten them from our neighbors (who have a tree) in a paper grocery bag, which was still at least half full, and when I picked it up, out fell the bottom and out fell the peaches.


I love ripe, juicy peaches. They are HEAVENLY. They also, however, leave literal puddles of juice when they fall several feet onto the floor–and the ones that aren’t quite ripe enough to splat ROLL instead. I spent the next hour (possibly hour and a half?) salvaging everything I could in the peach department and cleaning up the floor (plus at least one dining room chair). By then I was behind in my day, and that plus the flurry of “we’re going on a road trip” meant no post before we left for Vegas. Certainly I wasn’t going to post while we were in Vegas, and since then I’ve been unpacking and doing laundry and catching up on some of the missed sleep that comes from staying in a big house with lots of family. (Also planning meals that involve eating the leftovers we brought home with us; we were the only ones with a cooler.) Today, however, I am starting anew. Go me!

At some point in all of the craziness I managed to finish AJ Pearce’s Yours Cheerfully, her sequel to the delightful Dear Mrs. Bird, and I loved it. Loved it! Pearce has a gift for creating a perfect blend of poignancy, humor, and history, and her characters are completely lovable–except for the ones that are deliciously NOT. (There’s a dichotomy there that’s not completely realistic, but it’s thoroughly satisfying, so I find myself not caring.) Emmy, Bunty, Mr. Collins, and their supporting characters are back, and when the government asks media outlets to help recruit women workers, they can’t help seeing the difficulties faced by women in the workforce (especially the factories). What’s to be done about it? Charles is also back–a desk job for the moment–but Pearl Harbor throws him (and Emmy) for a loop, and they must decide what to do about THAT as well. If you want historical fiction with all the feels, AJ Pearce is an author not to be missed–and she’s recommendable to anyone!

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