Aug 21, 2021 - Uncategorized    Comments Off on Finishing the Read-Aloud

Finishing the Read-Aloud

It took most of the summer to finish reading Sofia Valdez and the Vanishing Vote to my youngest; after all, when summer vacation began, suddenly there weren’t any more lunches where it was just the two of us and I was desperately trying to get her to SIT DOWN AND EAT. (We read plenty together over the summer, mind you, but mostly picture books, while she’s been reading chapter books to herself.) Sofia’s talents are a bit more of a stretch for the ‘Questioneers’ series, but this tale of a class pet election and the logistics of the process thereof was both interesting and entertaining. Not being STEM-y myself, I enjoyed this one more than some of the others, and it’s possible that my kiddo did as well. Either way, though, the whole series is worth your time!

That said, I’m off to do more of my usual Saturday chores. Have a lovely day!

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