Aug 17, 2021 - Uncategorized    Comments Off on Day Two

Day Two

This is, in fact, my second day of being left to my own devices for the whole school day, and I’ve already been to the junior high (to deliver a forgotten Chromebook and lunchtime water bottle), the dollar store, my aunt’s house, the pharmacy, the post office drive-through, and the library. After lunch I get to exercise and put an angel food cake in the oven, but in the meantime, I finished reading the graphic novel that my birthday girl is getting today over an early first-course-of-lunch, which means that I really ought to review it before I wrap it. (Despite the 3 or more books already waiting to be reviewed.)

Allergic is the sort of graphic novel I’m delighted to find; my 12-today-year-old can read and reread it all she wants without me worrying that she’s spending too much time with the characters. (She DOES obsessively read graphic novels, so this is a concern. There are plenty of books out there that I’m fine with her reading but which don’t make great daily companions, you know?) Maggie is a thoroughly sympathetic main character, and while I wish there had been more consequences for her one major deception, it’s hard to be too hard on a girl who finds out, after picking out a puppy, that she’s allergic to animals with fur or feathers. (The poor thing wanted to be a vet.) As she learns to deal with her allergies, Maggie also learns how to deal with life shifts and friend struggles, and isn’t that the primary job (in many ways) of Allergic‘s intended audience?

I’ll let you know, but I’m hoping my girlie will love this one!

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