May 3, 2021 - Uncategorized    Comments Off on What I Attempted Today

What I Attempted Today

1. To work on the binders I need to prepare for the girls in our church youth group. One out of the three pages I tried to print was successful; I moved on.
2. To do something about the light fixture situation in the littles’ room. I enlisted my tall neighbor, but the light fixture has issues; I moved on.
3. To make this lovely Asparagus Leek Chowder. Two bunches of asparagus had gotten slimy and had to be tossed–SO, so sad–and the mushrooms were pretty sketchy, while the leeks hadn’t been pristine when I bought them. I persevered, though, and my aunt came to enjoy it with me. The ingredients could have been finer, but it was a lovely lunch.
4. To do my Costco shopping. We ended up rushed and had to go straight to the school to pick up the middles, and fitting my purchases into the fridge and freezers was terrifying, but I did get it done.
5. To enlist my children and clean up the living room. It wasn’t perfect, but it did look a whole lot better.
6. To exercise. I still have 10 minutes to do.
7. To do the dishes. I managed this partly by assigning my 11YO to bathe my 6YO, since the missionaries were coming at 7.
8. To feed people. I may have been a bit lazy for parts of it, but we all had 3 meals today.
9. To review a book. Yeah, didn’t have that in me.
10. To go to bed AND to sleep earlier than last night. I’ll let you know how that pans out!

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