Mar 19, 2021 - Uncategorized    Comments Off on A Sibert Read-Aloud

A Sibert Read-Aloud

I’ve had Kakapo Rescue: Saving the World’s Strangest Parrot checked out for quite some time (like I usually do), serving as a Sibert winner representative on my to-read shelf. (Shelves. And technically, it’s the size of a picture book, and so it was in the to-be-read picture book pile.) My second girlie is an animal lover, however, and while we were waiting for Susan Patron’s 3rd “Lucky” book to come in at the library, it occurred to me that we could read about parrots in the meantime.

Big parrots.

Big, nocturnal parrots.

Big, nocturnal, flightless, underground-living parrots who are highly endangered. (Although the world population has more than doubled since the book was written, which isn’t hard when there were less than a hundred of them at the time.)

Anyway. It was both a fascinating and a mind-boggling book, given the factors involved in kakapo parrots becoming so endangered and the breadth (and expense!) of the rescue effort on their behalf. (Also, many of the photographs were so cute!!!, according to my girlie.) Any animal or science lover ought to enjoy this one!

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