Mar 9, 2021 - Uncategorized    Comments Off on Trying to Be Good

Trying to Be Good

I actually chose not to write a post on Sunday because by the time we got back from dinner and FHE at my in-laws’, and I got all of the kiddos to bed, AND I managed my exercising, it was late enough that I really just needed to shower and go to bed. It was unfortunate, though, because now I have three completed books waiting to be reviewed, plus almost a fourth (I just have the end-of-book informational bits to read to my kindergartener today), and I read more than half of a graphic novel last night, which means it’s going to be joining the pile sooner rather than later.

Not that finishing books is a bad thing, mind you. It was just a bad day to miss a review.


SO. Last night I finished Russell Freedman’s Kids at Work: Lewis Hine and the Crusade Against Child Labor, and it was thoroughly fascinating. I learned all sorts of interesting things, from how Lewis Hine got into photography (he’d ended up a teacher and was asked to take pictures of school events) to what he did after his 10 years with the National Child Labor Committee (the American Red Cross sent him to France in 1918), as well as a more detailed record of what he did in-between. Freedman uses Hine’s photographs liberally throughout, and they never fail to capture attention; neither does the information given about the history of child labor in this country. This I would HIGHLY recommend.

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