Feb 7, 2021 - Uncategorized    Comments Off on Not So Nostalgic

Not So Nostalgic

Frankly, if I read the original Logan Likes Mary Anne! as I kid, I have no memory of it. Most of the other Babysitters Club books that have been adapted into graphic novels have been nostalgic for me, however, and so I’ve been reading them right along with my girls and enjoying the faint sense of childhood it brings. This one felt a little uneven–Mary Anne’s character (and her friends’ decisions) seem slightly manipulated to suit the plot idea–but hey, it is what it is, and it was still fun. Now to put the next one on hold, because apparently, it’s out already. Possibly 2020 affected either how close together they were released OR how soon our library got it? (Or, of course, how soon we were actually able to GET it from the library…)

Anyway. I hope y’all had a lovely Sunday! (And yes, I realize I didn’t really describe the book. The title pretty much did that for me.)

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