Dec 28, 2020 - Uncategorized    Comments Off on Blown Away

Blown Away

I was rather expecting to be blown away by Kimberly Brubaker Bradley’s Fighting Words, based on my friend Abbie’s review–which you can read at–but that didn’t lessen the impact of the blowing away even a little bit. Because WOW.

Fighting Words deals with child sexual abuse, in a way that is painful and hopeful and empowering all at once. Della and her sister, Suki, have never had it easy–still don’t–and yet when they end up in foster care, they find that allies (just like abusers) don’t always look the part. Watching them get the help they need–and find their voices–and start to heal–is a privilege that comes with both tears and laughter. I’m handing this off to my older two daughters, in the hopes that it will make them better allies to those who need them.

I also think it will hold them spellbound.

And for the record, I thought the use of “snow” was genius.

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