Nov 23, 2020 - Uncategorized    Comments Off on So Many Feels

So Many Feels

I received a complimentary ARC of Melissa Savage’s Lemons an embarrassingly long time ago (remember how I’m STILL catching up?), and I actually listened to it months previously, but the copy I listened to came from a CD with a seriously scratched section and I felt like I’d missed bits that I didn’t want to miss. When it became available as an eaudiobook, then, I put it on hold; it took forever to come in, but when it did, I got the chance to listen to a fully audible edition. And–wow.

Let me say from the start that Bigfoot myths are not my thing–nor are UFOs, the Loch Ness Monster, etc., etc., etc. Savage did such a lovely job with the Bigfoot thread of the story, however, that I enjoyed it almost as much as I did the relationships involved. Tobin’s fierce approach to Bigfoot science is compelling, just as are Lem’s grief over her mother’s death, her longing for her old, familiar life, and her rocky adjustment to a new sort of family. Charlie, Debbie, Mrs. Dickerson, and the rest of Willow Creek are just the sort of people you wish could surround every grieving child, and Lem’s journey made me laugh AND cry. If you want a story about family, about friends, and about deep down love, this book is for you.

And hey–it’s also about Bigfoot.

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