Oct 27, 2020 - Uncategorized    Comments Off on Can I Still Blame 2020?

Can I Still Blame 2020?

Please? Because I missed a week of posts there, and I don’t know that I have a great excuse. (Although it was fall break, and I guess having the kids home–plus occasional extras–may have contributed.) I don’t think I have the energy for a book review tonight, but I did try this Crock-Pot Sweet Kielbasa last week, and I have to say–all of my children scarfed it down. Even my oldest, who has a very strained relationship with smoked sausage after throwing up a Costco hot dog during two different flus, wanted seconds, and that’s nothing short of miraculous. I did have a good amount of extra sauce, but then, I likely used two 14-oz sausages instead of two pounds of it, so that was probably most of the issue. It was smoky and sweet and savory and tender and yummy, and I had to remind all of my offspring that we needed to save a full serving for Daddy, who wasn’t home from work yet. If you’re looking for a quick meal idea–or a meaty snack to bring to a party–look no further!

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