Oct 13, 2020 - Uncategorized    Comments Off on All in a Day’s Work

All in a Day’s Work

Because the audiobook of Winter was 24 HOURS LONG, folks. And I finished it last night! The ending was pretty satisfying, and I have to say, the course of the plot was less annoying than I’d feared. (I normally dread having to slog through an against-the-odds rebellion’s early losses to an oppressive regime, no matter who the writer or what the setting.) It was a solid ending to the Lunar Chronicles and an interesting retelling of “Snow White”, despite Snow White and her protector not actually being the main characters. I noticed some reviews complaining about Winter‘s length and pacing, but I thought it did a fairly impressive job of believably portraying the rebellion’s development and progress.

In other news, I got to visit family in Idaho with my kiddos over the weekend, and good times (and food!) were had by all. We listened to Guinea Dog 3 on the way up and Andrew Clements’ A Week in the Woods on the way back, and we got home in time to do a decent amount of the unpacking before dinner and bed last night. Wahoo!

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