Apr 21, 2020 - Uncategorized    Comments Off on Another One For My Girls

Another One For My Girls

My older girls, that is. Meaning that Squint is another library book that I can pass along to both of them after this review, and thus another library book that they have yet to read, even though the libraries are closed. I listened to it a week or more ago, and while I possibly preferred Mustaches for Maddie–Chad Morris and Shelly Brown’s based-on-real-life first collaborative effort–Squint definitely has more appeal for boys. Its protagonist is a middle school comic book artist who’s determined to enter a “Find a Comic Star” contest, despite the eye disease that could eventually leave him blind. He’s become a loner as his eyesight worsens, but when a new girl named McKell sits down at his table, both of their lives slowly begin to change. I appreciated the story’s refusal to fall into completely predictable tropes, and I also appreciated Squint’s (a nickname) gradual awakening to the parts of his world he’s been blind to. This is both entertaining and inspiring; grab this one for your latter elementary and middle schoolers when you can.

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