Mar 9, 2020 - Uncategorized    Comments Off on Cheating


I actually didn’t check Birdie out of the library; my 5th grader did. (Her elementary school library, that is.) Since it’s a relatively short verse novel by an author I’ve enjoyed (Eileen Spinelli), I asked her if I could read it as well. She did have to renew it last week, but I had a relatively open night last night, and so I settled down on the love seat to redeem myself. I even managed to finish it AND get into bed at a decent hour!

Like my daughter, I quite enjoyed it. Eileen Spinelli writes simply but movingly about real situations that kids struggle with; in this case, Birdie’s mother is dating again, three years after Birdie’s firefighting father died in a fire. It seems like everyone else in Birdie’s life is dating as well, and she isn’t sure how to deal with it all. To say more would ruin the experience of seeing Birdie’s life through her eyes, so I’ll just let you pick up this gentle treat yourself. In the meantime, my 5th grader can (finally!) return it to her school library.

Just as soon as she gets over her stomach flu.

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