Feb 7, 2020 - Uncategorized    Comments Off on Not That Kind of Imagination

Not That Kind of Imagination

Apparently the spin-off “Baby-sitters Little Sister” series existed in regular book form years ago, but I was unaware. I came across its graphic novel incarnation while looking for info on the next BSC graphic novel, however, and I’ve had it on hold ever since; it finally came in a week or two ago–AND I finally finished it today. (I say finally partly because I’ve been trying to push through it and so I’ve tried to read a bit in the mornings, only I keep falling asleep.) Karen’s Witch is likely to appeal a bit more to the younger fans of the BSC series; Karen herself is only 7. Then again, the reader catches glimpses of the story from Kristy’s viewpoint as well, so who knows? Maybe they’ll all like it! What I know is that I never had the kind of imagination that created witches out of my neighbors and convinced me that I was the only one who knew something and therefore had to save the world; on the other hand, that kind of imagination makes for quite the story. This is going to best appeal to its intended audience, but it was still kind of amusing for me–and I’m sure that my 10-year-old, at least, is going to LOVE it.

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