Feb 5, 2020 - Uncategorized    Comments Off on Not Going Anywhere Good

Not Going Anywhere Good

1. At the dentist’s office on Monday the radio station played–in a row–“I Saw the Sign,” “Complicated,” and “Billy Jean.” When I mentioned to the hygienist that Ace of Bass brought me back to high school, she responded with “yeah, that’s an old one!” I’m not sure how I feel about this.

2. I told my second girlie to close the blinds closest to the door this evening. Five minutes later I re-entered the room and reminded her (in an impatient voice, I admit) of what I’d told her to do. “I did it!” “No you didn’t–they’re still open!” “I thought you said the ones closest to me!” “THEY WERE ALREADY CLOSED!!!” A late night finishing her history fair project coupled with early play practice is making for a difficult week.

3. At the dinner table, AFTER this second girlie had established beyond all reasonable doubt that she was on the ragged edge, her older sister opted to talk about what she’d learned in Utah Studies today. I’m all about this sort of sharing, normally, but she learned about how the Paiutes hunted rabbits and using their furs. We have bunnies. This was completely guaranteed to upset her sister on a NORMAL day.

4. She also felt the need to remind us all of what she learned in science about how you can tell that yogurt might be bad–while we were eating yogurt.

5. I left to help with a youth activity shortly afterwards. You know those days when you’re practically sprinting toward the door…

6. At 9:54 my ragged edge girlie came up to tell me that she couldn’t sleep. Part of the problem appeared to be a scary dream she couldn’t shake, so I gave her something silly to think about instead–but she has play practice again tomorrow morning.

7. Pray for us all.

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