Jan 27, 2020 - Uncategorized    Comments Off on Still So Tired

Still So Tired

I am SO tired and I was almost DONE with my post when some random movement deleted it. I can’t figure out how to retrieve it, so here’s the VERY abbreviated version…

ALA awards were announced today. Go to their website for the winners, honor books, and runners up.

I finished listening to The Fairy-Tale Detectives. I should have known it would be darker, because hey, SISTERS GRIMM, but I didn’t think about it. The Grimm sisters go to live with the grandmother they thought was dead and end up investigating Everafters (fairy tale and imaginary characters, from Dorothy to Snow White to Baloo) because of their family legacy. Action packed and fast paced. Not warm and fuzzy–at ALL–but fun.

Sorry you missed the original review–signing off.

(Yeah, I know this was terse. But I’m exhausted and MAD at my computer!)

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