Oct 14, 2019 - Uncategorized    Comments Off on Extra! Extra!

Extra! Extra!

Since I finished another book today, I figured I’d better just go ahead and review it now before I get even more behind, right?  Besides, Nightmare Escape (Dream Jumper, Book 1) is the sort of graphic novel that my second girlie is likely to go nuts for, so the sooner the better.

I actually enjoyed it more than I expected to, to be honest.  Fast-paced and not terribly text-heavy, Nightmare Escape follows Ben through a land of nightmares, where he discovers his identity as a dream jumper and attempts to use his newfound powers to free those trapped in their nightmares, including some of his classmates.  The characters are drawn with humor and it’s a fun adventure all the way through, even if the climax felt slightly rushed to me.  This ought to appeal graphic novel and adventure lovers from 2nd-3rd grade on up–enjoy!

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