May 23, 2019 - Uncategorized    Comments Off on Major Events

Major Events

I know I missed the 21st, but seriously.  Monday was the day of ALL THE THINGS–ALC Awards Ceremony in the morning, 6th grade promotion at 2, and the all-Granite-District-Elementary band concert at 7 (my oldest had to be at Eisenhower Jr. High at 4).  My hubby took the day off for it, and then Tuesday evening I was making dinner and discovered that while our cold water was clear, our hot water was a decidedly unappetizing shade of yellowish-brownish-reddish.  Our amazing friend John Harvey came over late Tuesday night to diagnose and late last night (after preschool graduation, which was chilly but really kind of adorable) to install a new (bigger!) water heater.  Today was the 6th grade farewell breakfast, for which my 6th grader signed us up for a clarinet duet, and then she went to her friend’s end of school party while a friend came over to play with Girlie #2.  A friend from RI came for dinner, and now the kiddos are in bed and I’m due for a shower.


Blogging just can’t compare to that luxury, folks.  Goodnight all!

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