Jun 13, 2018 - Uncategorized    Comments Off on This and That

This and That

  1.  I bought a bag of Pecan Pie M&Ms months ago–because I must try all the things–and found it recently.  They’re actually pretty good.
  2. We had plans with 3 different friends today–at different times–and all three had to cancel.  What are the chances of that?
  3.  If the bunnies weren’t still new and the mornings weren’t still temperate, that would have gone a lot worse.
  4.  I learned today that Britain lost twice as many soldiers in WWI as they did in WWII.  France suffered six times as many deaths.  One half of British men between 18-28 were killed or maimed.  (This would be why, in 10th grade, Mr. Bowes told us that Great Britain basically lost an entire generation of young men–because hey, those stats likely don’t include shell shock OR deaths from the influenza pandemic.)
  5.  On a lighter note, I also learned that Cher Ami, the most famous messenger pigeon of WWI (NOT to be confused with the extinct passenger pigeon), was blinded in one eye and had one leg shot off during his final flight.  He was so loved that the doctors MADE HIM A WOODEN LEG.  And if you can’t conjure up that mental image yourself, you can see him stuffed–wooden leg and all–in the National Museum of American History.
  6.  Apparently telling my middles that “it’s basically a taco salad” is not enough information for them to make a decision about what sort of eating utensil they want.
  7.  Both of my littles woke up scared–at opposite ends of the night–which means it’s time for me to shower and GO TO BED.  Goodnight all!

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