May 29, 2018 - Uncategorized    Comments Off on Tired All Around

Tired All Around

Okay, I missed Sunday, but we had quite a sudden change of plans and packed up to go to my in-laws’ in a considerable hurry; we got home after 9 last night, and oh, the tired children!  The littles were up far later–as far as bedtimes go–than my big girls, but then, my big girls’ alarm was still set at their regular school time, so guess who woke up at 6:50 this morning?  Given that they had a cousin sleepover on Sunday night and a past-bedtime night the next day, this was truly a domestic tragedy.  All four of my kiddos were grouchy today, then, although the older ones managed better.  Moreover, my hubby and I stayed up too late playing games on Sunday, so we’re more tired than usual as well.  Not the ideal combination!

Anyway.  I’m actually officially tired enough to leave you without a review tonight, which means that it’s time to say goodbye and take myself off to the shower and to bed.  Sleep well, folks!

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