May 11, 2018 - Uncategorized    Comments Off on Experimental Muffins

Experimental Muffins

I was looking for breakfast bread options the other day and came across these Oatmeal Blueberry Applesauce Muffins.  I rather think I’ve made them once before and we were on the fence about them, so I opted to change up the recipe a bit and see what happened.

My major change?  Well, a) most of my family doesn’t love blueberries, and b) guess what we didn’t actually have, anyway?  Frozen strawberries we had, however, and so I diced up about the right amount of those and then threw in a mashed banana to balance out the sweetness, add some more fruit, and make a small inroad on the mountain of bananas currently residing in my freezer.  I used regular yogurt instead of Greek, since it’s what I keep on hand, and then I loaded them into a muffin tin and got the surprise of my life–well, at least my day.  I’d already groused on the phone to my sister about recipes that lie and say they’ll make 12 muffins when the amount of flour/oats clearly indicates more; I owe that blogger an apology, however, because the batter filled 12 muffin cups nicely, and it baked just as nicely into 12 average-sized muffins.  (I did fill each cup about to the top, because it wasn’t the sort of batter that was going to rise all that much.)  I quite liked them, as did several of my children, which means they’ll likely be happening again.  (Freezing them for summer breakfast or lunch options seriously appeals.)  Next time you’re wanting to aim for something a bit healthier, give them a try!

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