Apr 17, 2018 - Uncategorized    Comments Off on A Successful Experiment

A Successful Experiment

When I think of how quickly I used to finish books, I kind of want to weep; four children later, I can’t usually concentrate well enough to read while they’re awake, and so I read a few pages before bed and take weeks to finish just about ANYTHING.

Which makes me want to scream.

It’s my stage of life for the moment, though, and I wouldn’t skip it, because then I’d miss out on my kiddos.  It occurred to me a few weeks ago, however, that some of the books waiting for my attention could be read aloud with some of my kids, enabling me to actually get to some of them before I die.  (No hyperbole here.)  I decided to start modestly with an 80-page (some of which have illustrations) biography that I thought would interest my two older girls, and it’s absolutely working!  They moan when I stop at night, I’m halfway through a book I wouldn’t have had the time to start otherwise, and we get to spend reading time together on a level up from picture books.  (We do that, too–don’t worry.)  I’ll review the book we’re on when we finish it, but in the meantime, wahoo!  Success!  Family time!  All the things!

Now I just have to decide what we’re going to read together next…

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