Mar 19, 2018 - Uncategorized    Comments Off on The Exploding Thumb

The Exploding Thumb

Last night (yes, a day late) I did an Irish sort of dinner and invited my nephew, who gets stir-crazy when his wife has to work on Sunday and he’s home twiddling his thumbs.  He and I were the only ones who liked the cabbage, and the mashed potatoes got a lot of thumbs middles from the kiddos (my children have potato issues), but cooked carrots are always a hit and everyone LOVED the corned beef.  My oldest gave it “such a big thumbs up that the top of my thumb exploded.”

She’s 11.

Seriously, though, I picked an easy recipe off of the ones my Pinterest search found me, and this Crispy Slow Cooker Corned Beef turned out to be a smashing success.  It was moist, it was flavorful, it was tender–in fact, the only problem was that there wasn’t more of it.  (Apparently I should have gone with a bigger package at Costco, but it was my first attempt at cooking it and I was afraid of tempting fate.)  If they still have it at Costco, I really might grab some more and freeze it for a rainy day.  If you see it on sale anywhere, pick some up and try this recipe–you’ll want to get it into the crockpot first thing in the morning, but it’s so, so worth it!

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