Mar 13, 2018 - Uncategorized    Comments Off on When Cauliflower is $.69/lb

When Cauliflower is $.69/lb

You HAVE to buy some at that price, right?  And then bring one of the heads to your friend’s house the next day to try this Slow Cooker Whole Cauliflower recipe?  Well, you do if you’re me, and I have to say, it was pretty tasty.  I added more parsley than it called for (because really, when don’t I?) and she put in more lemon juice because it looked like so very little liquid, and it was really kind of delightful.  Very soft–we used a teeny head, and we probably should have reduced the cook time–but full of flavor.  I’m absolutely going to try this again.*

*Be warned, though–the smell of cooking cauliflower will permeate your house, no matter what your cooking method.  If that’s going to bother you, you may want to plug in your crock pot outside.

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