Archive from January, 2021
Jan 5, 2021 - Uncategorized    Comments Off on Perfect–For Someone Else

Perfect–For Someone Else

I’ve been putting off reading Nancy Farmer’s The House of the Scorpion for years, even though it’s a Newbery Honor book, because it’s Not My Thing. (Which is different from just not my thing–lowercase–because it’s a solid combination of two genres I actively avoid and a setting that holds no natural appeal for me. Many books aren’t really my thing while still being an enjoyable read for me, but others…) I avoid Sci-Fi unless it’s a great story that just happens to take place in a Sci-Fi setting, and as for Dystopian fiction, well–I generally loathe Dystopian fiction. Put those two genres together in the southwestern desert, and you’ve got a story that I have zero interest in reading. (A New England setting might tip the scales in favor of a book I was waffling about, but the southwestern desert? That’s a hard no.)

Unsurprisingly, then, I did not personally enjoy reading The House of the Scorpion. On the other hand, it’s an original premise, a captivating story, and a fairly wild ride. A country called Opium between the US and what was once Mexico? A drug lord/dictator in his 140s? Laws that establish human clones–grown in cows and then “harvested” at what would be birth–as livestock? A mass of workers called “eejits” whose human intelligence has been deadened to create mindless obedience? Not My Thing, certainly, but for readers of those genres that I don’t personally care for, an engrossing world; fans of Neal Shusterman, for one, seem likely to love it. (Even I admit to being held captive by the climax.)

There you have it, then. I get to check one more Newbery off of my list, and you get a conditional recommendation. A win-win! Now, please excuse me while I go revel in some historical fiction.

Jan 3, 2021 - Uncategorized    Comments Off on Happy New Year!

Happy New Year!

The end of Christmas vacation is always a bit of a shock to the system–suddenly it’s a school night, and we all have to be up and doing tomorrow morning. I’m not actually looking forward to that–I AM, however, looking forward to a quiet morning at home to tidy up without any further mess being made.

I’m also looking forward to only feeding two of us at lunch.

In the meantime, since my posts have been spotty at best over the last two weeks, I’ll echo the words of my Grandpa Mather–the Lord sure has been good to us. Here’s to a productive day tomorrow!
