Jun 2, 2015 - Uncategorized    Comments Off on Random Observations

Random Observations

1)I’ve always known that “just needing a couple of things” at Costco only works in theory; I realized today that having a long Costco list is just a much more expensive version of that principle.  $291 later…

2)Middle #1 has been struggling this week, and I’ve assumed that she’s at loose ends–kindergarten has ended, except for assessments, but her older sister is still in school until Friday.  Today I finally took her on my lap and noted that she’d been having a hard time…did she miss kindergarten?

My poor girlie cried.  Apparently she really, REALLY misses kindergarten.

3)True friendship is eating your lunch standing up so that you can help your friend separate a Costco bag of mozzarella into Zip-Loc bags…and thereby fit all of the rest of her Costco purchases into her ridiculously packed fridge.

4)I need to be more on the ball about teeth, apparently.  My oldest pulled one of her loose teeth out herself at school today, bringing it home in a credit-card-sized manila envelope.

5)The only difference between Costco and the Target Dollar Spot is the price range.  See #1.

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