May 24, 2014 - Uncategorized    Comments Off on Saturday Morning Breakfast: Take Two!

Saturday Morning Breakfast: Take Two!

Remember the pleading eyes of my oldest last Saturday?  Well, she didn’t even have to break those out today.  I just couldn’t stand the thought of cereal this morning, and so I scrolled through my ‘Breads to Try’ board on Pinterest to find a more appealing option.  I rejected one that sounded good because the oatmeal was supposed to soak in the buttermilk for an hour, and THAT wasn’t going to happen, and I (reluctantly) rejected breakfast brownies because I didn’t have coconut oil.  (Andrea told me she’s got plenty and I ought to get some from her to experiment with; I just keep forgetting to actually do it.)  I ended up going with these ‘Welcome Home’ Chocolate Chip Muffins, and I have to say–they were pretty tasty.  I couldn’t quite bring myself to make them as written, though.  It’s not that I’m afraid of a certain amount of fat in breakfast–why bake at all if it isn’t going to taste the way I want it to?–but I have my limits.  Plain yogurt substitutes very nicely for sour cream WHEN YOU ARE BAKING, so I used it instead; I also switched out a half of a cup of white flour for whole wheat.  (Plain yogurt does NOT, as some tragically misguided people claim, substitute nicely for sour cream on a baked potato.  If you like plain yogurt on your baked potatoes, more power to you, but don’t claim it’s a substitute, because IT TASTES NOTHING LIKE SOUR CREAM!)

The result was a hit with everyone.  They probably tasted different than they were supposed to–you can always taste the wheat–but I liked the flavor.  The high dairy content kept them moist and rich-tasting, and the melt-y chocolate chips were heavenly.  My girlies had two apiece with a good amount of milk to wash them down, and the boy made a fantastic mess of his face, his hands, and his high chair tray while picking out the chocolate chips.  (He ate the rest of the muffin as well; he just picked out what he could of the chocolate chips first.)  Even Daddy had two or three, and he’s more of a Golden Grahams or biscuits and bacon gravy kind of breakfast man.  In fact, he finished off the last one.  I ate about one too many and my body complained about it, but oh, how I love warm baked goodness for breakfast!

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